Wednesday, March 30, 2016


For the longest time, I always thought that I do whatever I can to hold onto people who are already out of  my life because I fear having no one by my side. It wasn't until recently that I realized how wrong this thought truly is.
It's not that I'm afraid to have nobody by me when I need someone the most. I've been there before, and although I didn't have anyone, I was and am strong enough to overcome anything and everything. So being alone is not what I fear. Not being accepted isn't what I fear.
It's actually not about fear at all.
What it truly comes down to is respect.
I haven't respected myself enough to recognize that the only people I need in my life are people who make effort to be in my life.

This is all changing today. It's beyond time for me to respect myself enough to realize that I deserve to be treated better than certain people have been treating me. I respect myself and therefore, I am not going to chase and beg for people to stay in mmy life. People who truly want a part of my life will do whatever they can to be there. Those who don't want to be in my life won't be.

Respect yourself and know your worth. Know and recognize what you deserve and do not settle for less...ever.

God bless.

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